joi, 31 ianuarie 2008

optimism or hope?! wish and desire...enjoy..

Somewhere over the rainbow way up high
And the dreams that you dream of once in a lullaby
Somewhere over the rainbow blue birds fly
And the dreams that you dream of, dreams really do come true
Someday I'll wish upon a star, wake up where the clouds are far behind me
Where trouble melts like lemon drops
High above the chimney tops is where you'll find me
Somewhere over the rainbow bluebirds fly
And the dreams that you dare to, oh why, oh why can't I?
Well I see trees of green and red roses too,
I'll watch then bloom for me and you
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world
Well I see skies of blue and I see clouds of white and the brightness of day
I like the dark and I think to myself, what a wonderful world
The colors of the rainbow so pretty in the sky
are also on the faces of people passing by
I see friends shaking hands saying, How do you do?
They're really saying, I, I love you
I hear babies cry and I watch them grow,
They'll learn much more than we'll know
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world
Someday I'll wish upon a star, wake up where the clouds are far behind me
Where trouble melts like lemon drops
High above the chimney tops is where you'll find me
Somewhere over the rainbow way up high
And the dreams that you dare to, oh why, oh why can't I?

joi, 24 ianuarie 2008

save room by john legend

Say that you stay a little

Don't say bye bye tonight

Say you'll be mine

just a little of bit of love Is worth a moment of your time

knocking on your door just a little

so cold outside tonight

let's get the fire burning

I know, I keep it burining right

If you stay, won't you stay - stay

save room for my love

save room for a moment to be with me

save room for my love save a little

save a little for me

won't you save a little

save a little for me - ohh

This just might hurt a little

love hurts sometimes when you do it right

Don't be affraid of a little bit of pain

pleasure is just on the other side

Let down your guard just a little

I keep you safe in these arms of mine

Hold on to me - pretty baby

You will see I can be all you need

If you stay, won't you stay - stay

save room for my love

save room for a moment to be with me

save room for my love save a little

save a little for me

won't you save a little

save a little for me - ohh

[pa-ya-pa-pa] - [pa-ya-pa-pa] - [pa-ya-pa-pa] - [da-da-da]

Ohhh come on

Make time to live a little

don't let this moment slip by tonight

you never know what you are missing untill you try

I keep you satisfied

if you stay, won't you stay - stay

save room for my love

save room for a moment to be with me

save room for my love save a little

save a little for me

won't you save a little

save a little for me - ohh

save room for love

save room for a moment to be with me

save a little, save a little for me

won't you save a little

save a little for me

marți, 22 ianuarie 2008

cat am cautat melodia asta!!!!
i luv it!!!

sa invatam!!! o cafea/bere/un vin fiert

poate parea o ironie la adresa perioadei dupa "sfintele sarbatori" de iarna si anume (pre)sesiunea, dar nu e deloc. Conceptul romanesc pentru "a invatza" este unul care il face pe elevul/studentul normal sa il numim generic Gica (excludem geniile, dar nu de tot) sa aiba o repulsie fata de efortul mental depus. Asta datorita sistemului frumos si dragutz in care ne-a format impunandu-ne mai mult ce sa NU facem decat ceea ce putem si avem capacitatea de a face.
imi amintesc inca traumele de la gradinita unde aveam si program de somn dupa amiaza, ce se intampla daca doamne fereste mi se facea sete pt ca aveam patutzul langa soba!! u hu! eu amfost in schimb, fericita care a avut parte si de un an de gradinitza normala (dar atunci era ultra moderna) unde la inceput nu staim sa profit de libertatea de a ma juca cu orice jucarie din incapere.
anways....ceea ce vreau sa evidentiez este faptul ca nu trebuie pierduta din vedere sau subestimata valaorea educatiei informale. da stiu ca este foarte la moda sa vorbim de educatie non-formala si/sau informala si multi nu stiu care e diferenta dintre ele. pai hai sa explic in 2,3 cuvinte:
  • educatia non formala este cea interactiva, care pune in valoare experienta participantilor ...asa zisele tarininguri
  • educatia informala este o discutia constructiva de la o bere/coffee...etc
Da...ce frumos este sa comunici...toata lumea este ahtiata sa comunice, sa vorbeasca. si mi se pare normal...atata informatie ne bantuie, reclamele ne incurajeaza sa nu mai purtam convorbiri intrapersonale, ci la telefon, vorbim tastand p mess, etc. Dar eu personal consider ca nici una din noile forme de comunicare, din noile media (cum mai sunt numite) nu se pot compara cu o discutie face 2 face. Entuziasmul si expresia ochilor cand vorbesti nu pot fi comprimate in emoticons....
...mda...sunt multe de de vedme la cafea?

duminică, 13 ianuarie 2008

coffee - the essence of (my) life

prima alarma suna la fara 15. urmaoarea la :00. sub paturica e cald si bine. visele alearga prin vagaunele mintii sa se ascunda, incerci sa le prinzi macar pe cate una insa, prima zvagnire de lumina pe retina ..and they are gone!
iar e dimineatza. la naiba!! resuesc cu greu sa ma conving ca trebuie sa ma trezesc . atunci in golul capului rasare o dorinta, o speranat : COFFEEEEEE. mirosul prietenos al cafelei imi face ca forma tzuguiata a buzelor sa fie destramata si dintr-o data elementul definitoriu pt mine sa ma cuprinda : zambetul:D yeey...another day is here!!! hurray!!!let`s enjoy it!!!

asta e prima cafea elemantara a zilei...apoi urmeaza micile capricii ale zilei impreuna cu alti cafengii. fiecare automat de cafea/cappucino/cioco calda din facultate, orice cafenea, orice bucatarie a cuiva, orice camera de camin se paote transforma intr-un adevarat han al ancutei fara vin si ulcele de cu...mugs de cafea!!

cine vien la o cafea?